Published version ArXiv (open access)
Key ideas
- By rewriting the linear elasticity equations as a weighted vector-Laplacian, we obtain a four-field formulation of Biot poroelasticity in terms of solid rotation, solid displacement, fluid flux, and fluid pressure.
- The relevant function spaces form a differential complex that can be preserved by discretizing with lowest order finite element spaces.
- A structure-preserving quadrature rule allows us to eliminate the solid rotation and fluid flux.
- The system is analyzed using parameter-weighted norms and perturbed saddle point theory.

Main findings
- The resulting method uses employs the lowest order Raviart-Thomas finite element pair for the displacement and pressure variables.
- Linear convergence in all variables is shown both theoretically and experimentally.
- Certain properties of the solutions remain invariant under the low-order quadrature, including the curl of the rotation.
- The analysis in parameter-weighted norms guides the construction of preconditioners that are robust in all relevant physical limits.
- A drawback is that the formulation is based on unconventional boundary conditions and currently does not directly handle traction conditions.