Mixed finite element methods for linear Cosserat equations
Mixed finite element methods for linear Cosserat equations
Mixed finite element methods for linear Cosserat equations
Neural network solvers for parametrized elasticity problems that conserve linear and angular momentum
Parameter-robust Preconditioners for the Stokes-Darcy Coupled Problem without Fractional Operators
Nodal auxiliary space preconditioners for mixed virtual element methods
Solvers for mixed finite element problems using Poincaré operators based on spanning trees
In this new release of PyGeoN, we have implemented mixed finite element discretizations for Cosserat elasticity.
Mixed Finite Element and TPSA Finite Volume Methods for Linearized Elasticity and Cosserat Materials
H(curl)-based approximation of the Stokes problem with slip boundary conditions
This release of PyGeoN features the Arnold-Falk-Winther element for mixed formulations of elasticity with a corresponding spanning tree solver.
Today, I start as a senior researcher at NORCE Norwegian Research Centre in Bergen. I will join the Computational Geosciences and Modelling research group an...
A mortar method for the coupled Stokes-Darcy problem using the MAC scheme for Stokes and mixed finite elements for Darcy
Deep learning based reduced order modeling of Darcy flow systems with local mass conservation