Norm-equivalent preconditioners for Biot-Stokes
Parameter-robust methods for the Biot-Stokes interfacial coupling without Lagrange multipliers
Parameter-robust methods for the Biot-Stokes interfacial coupling without Lagrange multipliers
Robust monolithic solvers for the Stokes-Darcy problem with the Darcy equation in primal form
Flux-Mortar Mixed Finite Element Methods on Non-matching Grids
Today marks the start of the Marie Skłodowska-Curie Action Individual Fellowship grant MiDiROM: Deep learning enhanced numerical simulations of mixed-dimensi...
Robust preconditioners for perturbed saddle-point problems and conservative discretizations of Biot’s equations utilizing total pressure
The PoliMi Alumni News featured me as one of the successful MSCA-IF master class participants.
SIAM News interviewed me as the awardee of the 2021 Early Career prize of SIAG/GS.
Verification benchmarks for single-phase flow in three-dimensional fractured porous media
Stable Mixed Finite Elements for Linear Elasticity with Thin Inclusions
Functional Analysis and Exterior Calculus on Mixed-Dimensional Geometries
Mixed-Dimensional Auxiliary Space Preconditioners
A Parameter-Robust Iterative Method for Coupled Stokes-Darcy Models Retaining Local Mass Conservation