Multipoint MFEM for Biot poroelasticity
Mixed and multipoint finite element methods for rotation-based poroelasticity
Mixed and multipoint finite element methods for rotation-based poroelasticity
Together with Martin Hornkjøl, Miroslav Kuchta, and Ricardo Ruiz-Baier, we organized the minisymposium Robust formulations for coupled multiphysics problems ...
The Hodge-Laplacian on the Čech-de Rham complex governs coupled problems
Analysis of Linearized Elasticity Models with Point Sources in Weighted Sobolev Spaces: Applications in Tissue Contraction
Excited to be part of the Scientific Organizing Committee of the SIAM Conference on Mathematical & Computational Issues in the Geosciences.
We released a new version of our open-source software PyGeoN: A Python package for Geo-Numerics. This release features several new discretization schemes, in...
The department of Mathematics of the University of Oslo invited me to give a talk in their mechanics seminar series. See the website of UiO for more informat...
A multipoint vorticity mixed finite element method for incompressible Stokes flow
Flux-mortar mixed finite element methods with multipoint flux approximation
A Reduced Basis Method for Darcy flow systems that ensures local mass conservation by using exact discrete complexes
Mixed-dimensional poromechanical models of fractured porous media
Happy to announce the next release of our open-source software PyGeoN: A Python package for Geo-Numerics.